Friday, August 12, 2011

Apple cider wishes and porcupine dreams

Today a professional forester came to our house to perform a woodlot assessment.  While I did not think our property had any valuable trees one always secretly wishes.  The final assessment was that we were not sitting on a gold mine but an animal kingdom in a swamp that does not grow valuable hardwood trees well. 

We did found more woodpecker nests then I have ever seen in my life and good apple trees for me...and the deer too. There are also a number of trees that he told us to take down so we will not be lacking firewood. 

We also found out we have a lot of porcupines and they are eating the tree bark. Now we are going to have to go hunting for porcupine shelters and destroy them. Pulling quills out of the dog is the last thing I would like to do in the evening.  I have caught her chasing after porcupines in the past so I know we would be in trouble. 

As long as the porcupines stay out of the house I think we will make it through the fall...

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