Sunday, July 24, 2011

50 acres with very little berries

 I just spent the last two hours walking through the forest picking berries.  I have plenty of blackberry and raspberry bushes but 12 bug bites and two hours later I have learned that I see a lot of wildlife for a reason.  I managed to find 10 ripe berries in the 50 bushes I searched.  I also have checked the wild grape vines and they too have been eaten.  Next year I will have to invest in some netting maybe or some fences.  I would show you a photo of my ten berries but it was such a pitiful number and I have already eaten half of them.

The good news is that I found what looks like a butternut tree or some type of walnut tree.  That will be my next foraging attempt.  Lets hope the squirrels don't get to it before I do.  The book I am reading says they ripen at the end of August to the beginning of September.  Seeing as I will be traveling for the next few weeks that will probably be next post.

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