Wednesday, July 20, 2011

How the wall came down and the bat got out

Today we received the last bit of paperwork from our real estate agent saying our other house is officially sold.  Now that we will soon be single home owners with single home monthly bills I can finally start planning renovations in our current house. 
My first project in the house will be the kitchen.
Actually, I sort of already started the project. 
About two weeks ago we started to smell something around the entrance beside the fridge.  I took out the vacuum, some cleaners and started cleaning but the smell did not go away. 
This made me a little bit frustrated. I found a hammer and began to take of the baseboards.  That is when I saw mouse poop and a little tiny hole where the mouse must have crawled in from.  No big deal a little cleaning and vacuuming no more smell.  Or so I thought.  The next day the smell got worse.  I thought maybe I missed something.  When I started vacuuming the vacuum started to suck out something large which I thought was insulation so I shut off the vacuum.  That is when I found the head of the first mouse corpse.
I went to the tool box and found a drywall knife.  I cut a hole in the small hole in the drywall.  Then the real smell came.  After doing some research I realized I found a mouse nest filled with dead mice.  I could not clean it very well so my hole then grew double in size.  I still could not clean everything so the hole doubled again.  After removing most of the lower half of the wall I was finally able to remove the nest.  I spent hour trying to clean the wood boards using bleach, baking soda, murphy's oil and ammonia.  So, the wall started to come down. 

Having part of a wall removed was final until 4 am this past Friday Max shakes me awake to ask me if heard something.  He turns on the light and my first thought is a burglar but then a something flies above my head.  A bat.  We get up grab a flashlight and a sheet.  I was always told you are supposed to drop a sheet on it and then carry it outside to set it free.  We finally spot it at the end of the hall near where the wall used to be.  I run around to close the other doors while Max tries to find the bat.  He can't find the bat.  It could only have gone into two places the laundry room or into the hole where the wall was that connects to the attic. It dawns on me...the bat came in through the attic.  So naturally it must have flown back into the attic.  Max boards up the hole and we go back to bed. 
The next evening is a little warm so I decide to open up the windows.  I am in the laundry room opening the window when obviously I find the bat.  The bat is sleeping between the window panes.  I remove the screen and search for sheets and old yogurt containers to try to trap it with.  After an hour of us trying to trap it, the bat flies out of the window all by itself. 

Hopefully the rest of the kitchen renovations go a little bit smoother. 

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